blog 100 reasons

| March 21, 2023

Reason 99 – Creating a Defense and Offense Plan Against the Labor Shortage

Doing More with Less – Lessons from ENR 400 Companies


A recent survey by the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC), reported 81% of construction firms having a hard time filling skilled and hourly craft positions.

42% of firms reported the labor shortage has delayed or canceled projects.

29% reported to increase their use of subcontractors.

The shortage in construction is driven by an aging workforce, fewer young people entering the industry, and a lack of vocational and technical training programs. 

UG to Time Keeping

It is a significant challenge for the industry, and important for companies to take steps to attract and retain skilled workers.

Offering competitive wages and benefits, providing training and education programs, and implementing technology and automation are keen to improve efficiency and reduce the demand for labor.