Analytics in Construction: Beginner’s Guide to Data Visualization and BI  Every industry has trends that come and go, so it’s understandable leaders get wary of the latest buzzwords. The true test of what’s a shiny to… Innovation in Construction: Using Tech to Tackle Its Bad Rep There are a lot of stereotypes about the construction business, such as all projects go over budget and delays are inevitable. Most of them are dat… Construction Technology: Pivotal Differentiator for Clients As the use of construction technology surges across the industry, an unexpected group is expressing interest in how it works: prospective clients. … Construction Field Operations and Finance: Bridging the Gap A construction company’s success hinges in part on how cohesive its finance and field operations teams are. The well-known challenge, however, is… Subcontractor Technology to Future-Proof Your Business Cutting edge technology is no longer just for large construction companies. An increasing number of smaller firms and sub-contractors are implement… Construction Prefabrication and Robotics: Job Site Threat or Opportunity? The construction industry is seeing prefabrication, robotics and automation solutions increase across the board. These new technologies save on cos… Supply-Side Processes Improve Job Site Productivity Material delays. Out of stock materials with no anticipated date of availability. These are the realities even the best contractors face from time … Maintaining Construction Management Mobility in All Situations Today’s construction projects and job sites require teams to be nimble and agile so they can handle any surprises that come their way. But these … The Unseen Cost of Your Construction Process Problem No one in the construction industry is sitting around on their hands. And if being busy equals success, then every contractor would be a millionair…