Ron Babich’s construction experience is far-reaching. With 30+ years of experience, he’s seen about every facet of the business, including founding, funding, growing and managing companies to high growth sales and profitability. He’s also overseen the successful implementation of numerous different technologies and is an advocate for data-driven decision making.

In this episode of the Mobile Workforce Podcast, Ron shares how to best navigate the complex world of data management and how to predict the flow of projects accurately. He gives clear steps to make any contractor the predictability hero of their team.

Key Takeaways:

  1. You can’t understand or fix what you don’t measure. If you don’t have the right tools in place to measure what is happening on the job site, you will never be able to effectively adjust your processes to get the most out of your teams.
  2. Measure the right things. The right tools allow you to measure actions being taken on the job site effortlessly, but all is wasted if the right data isn’t being measured. For example, two categories of data that anyone can start with are completed quantities by cost code and man-hours. By pulling these two data sets, a project’s earned value can be calculated, giving leadership unprecedented information that can be compared against budgets, forecasts and other reports to determine a wealth of information that can help increase productivity.
  3. New initiatives require a point of ownership for success. The launch of any new technology, software or equipment requires a person or department to see it through to completion. Without giving clear leadership, everyone is responsible for the success of the new technology. And if everybody owns it, then nobody owns it.