Having the right people in the right roles can make the difference between a successful construction project and a disastrous one. The problem? Hiring qualified workers is a challenge, and right now there are open positions and high competition for people to fill these roles.

In the third episode of our end-of-year wrap-up, host Mike Merrill welcomes Karla Meador, the Managing Partner at NEAR Search Group a premier executive search and staffing firm. Karla was on the show previously on episode 22 where she discussed how to move ahead in your construction career. She is back to discuss how hiring has changed in 2021, the Great Resignation and how to get the most out of the job market in 2022.

Key Takeaways

  1. The market is overwhelmed with project and employment options. In 2021, the construction industry recovered from the previous year’s slowdown so much that contractors have had the opportunity to turn work down because they could no longer keep up. But it also led to a talent shortage. As companies seek qualified workers, leaders should find people by recruiting at job fairs, giving employees bonuses for bringing someone in and offering competitive salaries for top talent.
  2. It’s time for employers to step up or lose their employees. The Great Resignation is a consequence of how those overworked and underpaid in essential jobs during the course of the pandemic were treated. To keep your team intact, offer the best possible benefits and pay while focusing on fostering a genuine and positive culture.
  3. The need for talent isn’t going to let up in 2022. The current projects out for proposal in the construction industry will ensure that the market for skilled employees isn’t going to slow any time soon. This isn’t a short bump in the road, the market has shifted and you need to take steps to adjust to the increase in projects and the short supply of talent.