What inspires your work? Your family? Hobbies? A job well done? We all have something that drives us but not everyone is able to take that drive and turn it into the lifestyle they dream about. Ask any experienced entrepreneur and they will tell you that finding the balance between sacrificing at your business for your dream and sacrificing your dream for your business is as challenging as walking a tight rope.

Brian Barney, host of Eastmans’ Elevated podcast, Eastmans Bowhunting Journal Staff Writer, and owner of his own construction company joins our host, Mike Merrill, on the show to discuss strategies to pursue your passions and goals outside of work while still continuing to grow your business and fulfill your job responsibilities. More importantly, Brian is going to share some of his secrets to keeping his family a priority among everything else.

Key Takeaways

  1. Make a decision and move on. Analysis paralysis is a real thing and can suck all the fun out of owning your own business. Look at the data, get input from those you trust and then make a decision. Once you have made a decision, don’t second guess yourself, move forward, deal with any issues that arise and learn from the opportunity. It is better to be wrong than flat footed.
  2. Attitude is everything. Approach your business or career with the right mentality and everything will work out in the long run. Remember that it is the vehicle that has or will eliminate debt, will drive your dreams and engage you with your hobbies and passions. With that attitude, every day might not be perfect but, every day will have meaning and every situation will have depth and deserve full effort.
  3. Find your balance and (politely) stand up for it. If the client has their way we would all be working 10 hours a day every day to get their project complete but the reality is that is unsustainable and will ruin any chance of achieving our goals. Understand what your balance point is between work and the rest of your life and stick with it. Clients that don’t understand aren’t clients you want to have and your job sites and workers will appreciate the balance in their lives increasing their loyalty and their ability.