Working and making a profit in a market plagued by shortages can be a challenging and almost insurmountable task. One of the key aspects of a company that helps them stand ahead of the crowd when the going is tough is the company’s culture and its people.

Our host, Mike Merrill, is joined by Keith Post and Steve Little from KPost on today’s episode live in person to discuss their company’s culture and how it has impacted their success. Keith and Steve are long-time friends of the show and if you haven’t seen their original interviews please listen to episodes seven and eight.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Your culture is your reputation. What you do with the people you already have in your employment will be known by those working in your industry. Make sure that you are taking the time to care for and invest into your employees and you will reap the benefits.
  2. Company Culture is more important than business strategy. Strategy never survives past the boardroom but culture drives on-the-fly and in-the-moment decision-making. Ensure that your culture is developed and ready to meet your challenges head-on.
  3. Build a culture of success, growth and safety. Give your employees an environment that encourages growth by creating an environment that supports and protects proper risk-taking, responsibility and accountability.