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Purpose Based Software and What it Means for Construction

Productivity in construction is a huge problem that economists and other business leaders point to as one of the reasons for the cost of homes has not kept up with the rest of the economy. Regularly technology and software is lifted up as the golden opportunity to increase productivity and drive construction to catch up and even overtake the historical loss in productivity. But not done correctly and with the right processes and planning software can just become part of the problem.
In this episode of the Mobile Workforce Podcast, we welcome back one the original guests on the podcast; Dennis Stejskal the director at Sage Construction and Real Estate. Dennis was originally on the show for episode #3 where he discussed the value of construction data. Dennis uses his 40 years of experience in the construction field to share the new developments in software technology, the need for purpose-based software, and how implementation matters.
Key Takeaways:
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