Industry: Welding & Metal Work
Location: Spanish Fork, Utah
Employees: 6
Integration: Paychex, Quickbooks
Solutions: WorkMax TIME, FORMS, ASSETS
Industry: Welding & Metal Work
Location: Spanish Fork, Utah
Employees: 6
Integration: Paychex, Quickbooks
Solutions: WorkMax TIME, FORMS, ASSETS
Yeti Welding’s workers are dedicated and hard-working, so they deserve to be compensated for their time. But when it came time to do payroll each week, Yeti Welding owner Dillon Hales spent Friday nights calling his employees for their time reports. The employees, who were keeping track of work time wherever they could, would then spend time searching note applications on their phones or hunting down scraps of paper from pockets and cars. Not only was this an inefficient waste of time, it also created inaccuracies. Yeti Welding couldn’t say with confidence that its workers were getting paid the right amount, nor could it provide customers with information about project staffing.
Meanwhile, feedback and updates from Yeti Welding workers at project sites were being recorded on paper forms. Critical information, including what work was completed, how long it took and any issues that arose, was not making it to the Yeti Welding office. When these loose forms did occasionally get found in the backseat of a worker’s vehicle and submitted to the office, they were in an unorganized disarray.
When Yeti Welding decided to implement WorkMax Suite, it was expected that employees would complain and resist, as is common when introducing new technology and processes. But within a couple days, the employees were easily using WorkMax TIME to clock in-and-out on their mobile phones. The only complaint from the workers to Yeti Welding was that the company didn’t start using WorkMax sooner! The employees were using WorkMax TIME within a couple days without any issues and realized how much time they were wasting before with inaccurate timekeeping methods and travel to the office to punch in and out on a time clock. As a business with a mobile workforce, this was invaluable to the employees and the company.
Yeti Welding also quickly began using WorkMax FORMS in many ways, all of which helped the company track profits, streamline billing and be better positioned to both bid on and prepare for next projects. WorkMax FORMS give Yeti Welding helpful, accurate reports on projects, from progress to pitfalls to be improved upon in the future.
In addition to providing accurate accountings of employee time through WorkMax TIME and project details through WorkMax FORMS, Yeti Welding appreciates that the WorkMax platform provides a connection from the office to the job site and its employees. Through WorkMax, employees are sharing with the company real-time snapshots of their days, from the hours worked, when and where, to what conditions and accomplishments were seen on the job site.
Being able to collect employee hours in real time when they’re in the field has improved employee relations. The employees are held more accountable for their time and whereabouts, which eases occasionally sensitive questions about their activities. With geo-fencing and facial recognition, Yeti Welding knows WorkMax TIME is guaranteeing honest time reporting and creating a workforce that’s attentive to being prompt.
An unexpected perk of WorkMax TIME for Yeti Welding is the way it affected company culture. For instance, when workers log their time, they take a selfie photo to go with it as part of the platform’s accuracy benefits. But the workers started having fun with the photos, knowing those back in the office would see them. Being a little silly with the photos created fun and camaraderie within the company that employees in the office and at the job sites enjoy.
With plans to soon integrate WorkMax into Quickbooks, Yeti Welding is already using the data collected through WorkMax TIME to complete payroll. Now, instead of hours spent on the weekend hunting down reports, it only takes minutes to log in to WorkMax, download the report and send it to Yeti Welding’s payroll company.
WorkMax has also made customer billing easier. Instead of making best guesses and estimates, exact hours and materials documentation ensure customers are receiving accurate bills, which always works in the customer’s favor.
Yeti Welding used WorkMax FORMS to create two very helpful custom forms that are utilized daily: One for transportation and logistics and the other is a daily log.
The transportation and logistics form proved valuable in showing where Yeti Welding was losing profits in logistical efforts. The form allows the company to track locations and statuses for materials in relation to specific projects.
Meanwhile, a daily log form created using WorkMax FORMS allows employees to work autonomously but remain accountable for their activities.
Having these forms accessible from mobile devices and stored in the same place online has saved Yeti Welding hours each day.
Yeti Welding has prioritized investing in technology because the company recognizes that doing so gives it a competitive advantage. Their partners and customers in the construction industry are likewise adapting to new technology, so Yeti Welding must keep pace to get work.
There is always a risk when investing in new technology, but Yeti Welding found that the costs of implementing WorkMax is saving the company money and time. It’s performing akin to an insurance policy by creating accountability. For instance, the geo-fence feature allows the company to show customers accurate reporting of a project status by accounting for the number of workers at the project site at any given time. This technology has allowed Yeti Welding to defuse potentially difficult situations with customers quickly.
A relatively newer company, Yeti Welding sees technology investment as a critical component to future growth. The goal for the company, formed in 2020, is to expand from a six-person workforce operating out of a 3,000 sq. ft. space to 20 employees needing 20,000 sq. ft. Having accurate financial, time, billing and logistics data is key to making plans to grow. And according to Yeti Welding’s Dillon Hales, WorkMax will be with their team every step of the way.
We talked to Dillon Hales from Yeti Welding about the issues he faced with payroll and time tracking and how WorkMax helped resolve them. Dillon talks about the importance of utilizing technology to remain competitive in the market and improving his project costs.