Nayland Scaffold Nixes Paper to Save $172,476 with WorkMax TIME and FORMS

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Nayland Scoffold

Industry: Construction Scaffolding

Location: New Zealand

Employees: 25

Solutions: WorkMax TIME | WorkMax FORMS

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Time savings
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10% – 15%
Increase in billable hours
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Total cost savings

Buried in Paper Forms and Time Cards

Nayland Scaffold Ltd. used paper time cards and forms. The most common forms used by the field employees were Job Tag Forms, Status Change Forms, and Site Audit forms. Using paper for forms and time cards was inefficient, error-prone, often illegible, and missing critical information. Employees were also filling out the time cards at the end of the week and were much less accurate when they depended on their memory.

All of Nayland Scaffold Ltd.’s projects relied on crews of employees working at a job site. Most of the time they all worked on the same projects for the same amount of time each day but turned in three time cards. These inaccuracies forced the office staff to track down the employees to obtain or verify the actual work performed and associated with the hours they submitted on their time card in order to bill their clients correctly.

With paper forms, they often had missing critical data because the field employees weren’t turning the forms in. This meant that the office staff had to spend time contacting the employees or supervisors in the field to get the critical business data they needed. In addition, once the paper forms were submitted to the office, the office staff had to scan the documents and organize them. There was a six-month backlog of paper documents. If they needed to quickly find a document because of a customer complaint or potential litigation, they weren’t able to quickly find the forms they needed to validate the work they performed.

Paper Problems Solved with WorkMax TIME and FORMS

Nayland Scaffold Ltd. chose WorkMax TIME and WorkMax FORMS to optimize their inefficient manual processes for paper time cards and forms. Once Nayland Scaffold Ltd. started capturing labor hours in real time with WorkMax TIME, employees were more productive and it increased their billable hours to clients. WorkMax TIME also simplified their time collection. The top WorkMax TIME feature that contributed most to the labor accuracy was the crew Clock IN/OUT feature. It allowed their supervisors to clock IN/OUT their scaffolding crews and assign them to the right project and tasks from their mobile device for more accurate job costs. Not only were the labor hours more accurate, so was the data captured on the mobile forms using WorkMax FORMS. The office staff no longer had to read illegible time cards or forms. The data was also more precise. Nayland Scaffold Ltd. made sure they added as many multiple choice fields on their forms to allow employees to quickly fill out the forms as accurately as possible. Also, with WorkMax FORMS the office staff didn’t have to hunt down employees to get missing paper forms or time cards. The office staff eliminated manual data entry of time cards and the manual scanning of the paper forms. All the forms were easy to find in WorkMax FORMS because they were all in one place and easily searchable with filters in the WorkMax Control Center.

Save a Tree and Labor Costs While Increasing Billable Hours and Job Cost Accuracy

The total cost savings by eliminating paper time cards and forms with WorkMax TIME and FORMS was $172,476 with ROI of 2926%. Before WorkMax TIME and FORMS, the employees spent an hour completing time cards and forms each day. With WorkMax TIME and FORMS, they entered and completed their time cards and forms in 20 minutes a day. This was a 67% time savings. The required fields, multiple choice pick lists, and Crew Clock IN/OUT in WorkMax FORMS and WorkMax TIME had the most significant impact on time savings and accuracy.

WorkMax TIME and FORMS saved a significant amount of time for the field staff but saved even more time for the office staff. In addition to the time it saved, they eliminated many tedious, monotonous, administrative tasks which improved their job satisfaction. The office staff reduced manual processes including data entry and document scanning for the paper time cards and forms. Before WorkMax TIME and FORMS, the office staff spent 4-5 hours per day manually entering payroll data and making sure their employees’ time was coded to the right project. They also had to scan and organize the paper forms. With WorkMax TIME and FORMS, they reduced their manual processes to one hour a day which was a 78% increase in productivity.

WorkMax TIME’s real-time data capture not only made their payroll and job costs more accurate, but it also had an impact on their productivity. Because the mobile forms were so easy to complete, the field employees increased their form completions by 15% with WorkMax mobile FORMS. The real-time data capture also increased the field employees’ productivity. As a result, WorkMax TIME increased the company’s billable hours by 10% to 15%.

Another portion of the $172,476 total cost savings was also achieved by considerably decreasing paper costs from the paper time cards and forms. All of the employees’ labor costs and forms were captured digitally from mobile devices. Before WorkMax FORMS, the office staff was 6 months behind on scanning and organizing their paper forms. After WorkMax FORMS, the mobile devices captured the data on the mobile forms and stored in the cloud in one place. Scanning paper forms and time cards were no longer necessary. WorkMax TIME and FORMS not only saved the cost of paper, but it also made all of their employees more efficient.

Other factors that contributed to the $172,476 cost savings were the 3% human error rate from manual data entry of time cards because everything was digital. Additionally, with Crew Clock IN/OUT and real-time data capture, Nayland Scaffold Ltd. eliminated the 49 minutes lost per day per employee. The lost time was saved with Crew Clock IN/OUT. Also, the real-time data capture eliminated overestimated hours for extended lunches/breaks, clocking IN/OUT before work began or after work ended.

We needed our forms in on place digitally and a crew clock in/out to improve our time tracking accuracy. WorkMax TIME and FORMS accomplished both. Which resulted in an increase in our productivity and our billable hours by 10% to 15%. – Jonny Benbow, General Manager

nayland roi chart
Clock Icon Clock In/Out in Real Time
Currency Coin Icon Expedited Payroll Processing
Form Icon Increased Form Completion
Dart Board Icon Increased Job Cost Accuracy
Cell Phone Icon Eliminated Scanning Time Cards
White Board With List Icon Improved Bid Accuracy