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The Mobile Workforce Podcast

Insightful conversations about growing your remote teams, projects, and business

Construction experts share their experiences to inspire change, challenge the status quo and share what it takes to be profitable while managing a remote workforce.

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  • Communication
  • Data Collection
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  • Women in Construction

The Right Time to Upgrade your ERP, Accounting System or Payroll System

Being online and on the cloud is essential for today’s construction industry leaders. The importance of having your information on hand and in a usable format for everyone to see is the only way to ensure that your business is…

Using BI to Build a Culture of Data

Data-driven is a buzzword that has been thrown around for years but very few people understand the steps needed to build a culture that is truly data-driven, or why to do so for that matter. Being a data-focused company is…

Why Transformation is the Key Word in Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation is a hot topic today and for good reason. No one would argue that technology is needed to drive construction forward. But how can we ensure that we are not overwhelmed with unnecessary platforms and apps? Cindy Whitner,…

Construction Best Practices for Simplifying and Future Proofing Your Data

Data is only as good as the information it is able to impart into your business and projects. So why is it so hard today to use the data we have been collecting to make better decisions? It’s because there…

Government Tax Credits: A Real Construction Opportunity That Should Not Be Left Behind

It can be a real challenge to best understand which projects are the most profitable and which are to be avoided. Sometimes projects can have special incentives that take them from the middle of the pile and can make them…

Layering Responsibilities to Find Balance Between the Job Site and Everything Else

What inspires your work? Your family? Hobbies? A job well done? We all have something that drives us but not everyone is able to take that drive and turn it into the lifestyle they dream about. Ask any experienced entrepreneur…


The Mobile Workforce Podcast has been awarded the Audio & Podcast Distinction award from The Communicator Awards.

The Mobile Workforce Podcast